Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Layout and New VLOG!

VLOG3: Another day, Another embolism

Also, I'm using a new layout to better fit the youtube videos. But it still seems as though they are too big...oh well. I don't care that much! LOL... Enjoy!

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Let me just say this…

12 hours at work yesterday

10 hours today



Actual Blog Post Coming On…

April 23rd!



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spilt Velouté

Hey y’all. I decided about three hours ago that I should get some good sleep tonight, but alas here I am rambling on about my life. There have been some developments, nothing huge, but I don’t really want to be up all night explaining the new change in life so yeah. If you want to know and have my digits; hit me up and we can talk.

My first school term is over. It’s kind of nice to have a week off for spring break even though I don’t get to do anything wild or crazy. I’m in Atlanta…nuff said. I’ve been hanging out with some cool people lately. Going to bars and such. I didn’t think I would have made this good of friends in four months, so I guess that proves anything is possible.

I’ve become a little more open with my brother. As I wrote in previous posts, we have had a really hard time communicating, but our problems seem to be over. Go figure. It’s kind of nice to be able to talk to someone who’s family. We like a lot of the same TV shows, so we watch those together. And I kick his ass in Jeopardy. I’m a trivia aimed person. The more useless the information…the better!

Work is going well. I’ve been getting more hours, which is nice. All of the people there are really nice, and they all love me; I work my ass off and speak English. NUFF SAID. I would rather not work while going to school…maybe I wouldn’t have gotten a “B” this past class, but there’s no use crying over spilt velouté.

I added an “app” in the side bar. It’s a place you can ask me questions, and I will try my best to answer them. Also there’s a Facebook link in the sidebar. Hit me up, and we can chat!

Love you guys! Have a good weekend and an AWESOME spring break.

A+ et biz!

Nick B.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Emulsions…Emotions…Close Enough.

Hey, everyone! It has been quite a while since our last chat, and I am sorry that it has taken me this long to write a new blog. Life has gotten a little more busy lately and school a little more stressful, but it’s nothing I can’t handle! A couple things have happened since we’ve last conversed. Some awesome developments. I got straight A’s in my first term of culinary school, and I found a job! Bahhh! 

School has been going great! I can’t believe how much I am loving it and how well I am doing! I’m havin’ some good times….good times. Yeah. I aced all of my finals and I passed my ServSafe certification exam. It’s kind of nice knowing that I moved down here to follow my dream, and everyday I am taking one step closer to becoming an amazing chef. I love it.

Now I’m in “Foundations II”, and I’m rocking that class too! The 7th day of class we had a sauce practical that I f***ing blew out of the water. There were some people that didn’t finish or even turned in a green oatmeal looking “Mornay Sauce”. I had to make a Beurre Blanc (A white wine, vinegar, and butter emulsion) and a Suprême Sauce (creamy chicken with a hint of lemon).  I got a 46 out of 50. I missed ONE point on my Beurre Blanc. ONE POINT! Did I mention that I had never made that sauce before that day?! I rocked that sauce. I made it my bitch! Yeah… Anyways. I got a nice little 92% on that beauty. On the 10th day I had a Soup Practical. And once again, I rocked it. I had to make a cream of mushroom soup and I got an 89% on that. FUCK YES! I didn’t want to censor that one because it wouldn’t have given the effect I wanted. Yeah. School is going very well and I don’t think I’m going to have a problem!

So, like I said, I got a job! Yay! It’s at a rocken’ little pub and fish house of Memorial Drive and Boulevard called Six Feet Under. Fantastic “little” place that is always bumping with business and awesome people. I’m not doing anything special just bussing tables and collecting monster tip-outs. LOVE IT! Apart from having to be trained by someone who doesn’t speak English, it’s going pretty well. It’s in a shady neighborhood, but they have a 50% discount for police officers, so there are always cops in the restaurant. If you ever stop in Atlanta, it is a must see! http://www.sixfeetunderatlanta.com. That’s really all that I have to say about that. Yeah.

Life has been a little weird these past three weeks. I don’t know how to explain it. I guess I have “come into my own”, and I have started being more of myself lately. I don’t know what that means either, so don’t read too much into it! HAHA! Yeah. I have been talking to some old friends lately, and it’s been awesome. I was on the phone one night from about 1am to 7am…some where around there. Thank GOD for free night and weekend minuets! LOL. I miss everyone that I haven’t seen in months, and I can’t wait for my trip back to AZ in the summer. I never thought I would miss Tucson so much! Been watching the Olympics a lot, kind of sad that they’re over. A major topic of discussion is now out of my life. HAHA. Love it! Anyways…this is getting long and drawn out, so I’m going to wrap it up. I wanted to thank someone. I’m not going to name them, but I wanted to say thank you for listening to me ramble on and helping me through a difficult time in life. You’re awesome and anyone who says differently is cRaZy! :D


Thanks, Everyone!


Nick B!

P.S. Hope there aren’t too many errors in there. I didn’t really want to read back over it…so…yeah. :)